Sunday, April 18, 2010


Seriously, I do not hate any of my friends.
I just hate myself.

Something happened recently.
And seriously, I never met such big challenge before.
And now here is the question.
Whose fault?
My fault or the other party's fault?

I am having a hardtime now.
Again, seriously, I have no idea on what will happened between us in the future?
Asking myself, asking myself...

I am thinking again...
Is this the fate?
I accidently hurted you before and now is the time for you to hurt me.
Fair now.
But, you hurted me too much in the incident.
I cant believe that.

Sometimes, I just think that.
A status cant prove anything.
But kailiang, wake up now.
You need to wake up.

I need to wake up...
To be myself...

P.S. feeling more comfortable after saying it out
P.S. One more thing, thanks for your words, XXX XXXXX... you know who you are... nice friend
P.S. Time for Mata, Silva and Villa

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A meaningful article

I found an article in the internet...
and seriously...
it is a bit... a bit...
just have a look and you will know it...


他们貌似很坚强,因为在别人看来,他们什么事都能微笑着去面对,但事实上他们长着世界上最脆弱的心灵,只是长期的伪装使得别人很难发现他们内心深处的创伤。 他们其实非常孤独,虽然看到他们时都是在跟一群人谈天说地,那是因为他们实在不能承受一个人时的折磨!
他们其实非常单纯,甚至你曾经给了他一个微笑他也会一辈子记得你的好,因此他们的世界观其实也很简单,他们很容易受蛊惑 ,请不要轻易的伤害他们的感情,因为一旦伤害了,那就将永远弥补不回来! 如果你身边有这种人请你给予他(她)那怕是凤毛麟角的那点关怀,让他(她)知道这个世界没有抛弃他们。。。如果你的身边有这么一个人!请不要伤害他(她)们!因为她们并不坚强。。。。。。。。。。。。

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Everything, sniper, friends

I told and promised myself and others...
It is the time...
I picked up my sniper again...
And the most important is...
I told myself I can do it...

It is hard...
Especially when everything is not in your expectations...
I am tired again...
Of everything...
Although I slept for 8 hours last night...
I am still tired...
I looked older and older...

I always tell myself...
Can I go through them?
Seriously my answer is trying my best...
And the best...

Is the thing that I care the most...
This week...
It is a truth...
I faced the biggest challenge in my life regarding friendship...
My sniper skill is blunt...
I cannot identify or differentiate...
Who is the one?
Who is the one?
Aiming but not accurate...
Friendship, friendship, and friendship...

I told myself...
I shall do everything and my best for my friends...
If they faced problems...
Both shoulders and ears are available...
Reverse it...
What happened when I am down?
it is hard to find someone to chat, share your problems, and listen to your problems...
Trust me...
It is very very hard...

And now...
Not going to be blurred...
You are right...
I think it is the time...
I picked up my sniper rifle again...

Friends, please, do not disappointed me again...
My heart is not strong enough to face it again...

Tired, tired, and tired...